Thursday 14 July 2016

Turai Mooli ki Sabzi / Sponge Gourd and Radish Curry

A simple and rustic curry made with sponge gourd and radish / turai mooli.

Sponge gourd or Turai is a summer special vegetable though now it is available around the year like most other vegetables. It is from the gourd family like lauki and tinda. All the gourds are very healthy to have in summer as they are have high water content and easily digestable. It is high in vitamins and minerals, good for high blood pressure and diabetes patients, and helpful in constipation. But as it is very mild flavours so many people stays away from it.

Me and every one in my family love to eat lauki and turai so during the summer season I often makes lauki ki sabzi and turai. Vegetables like lauki, turai and tinda taste best when cooked with minimum spices and oil thus cooling in the hot summer season. I often make this simple lauki tamatar ki sabzi and Tinda tamatar ki sabzi. Turai comes in two varieties, one with ridges and one with smooth peel like cucumber. I always prefer the one with smooth peel. I often makes another simple curry – Turai ki sabzi.

Turai is also called as Gilki or Galka in Uttar Pradesh. My great grandmother loves Turai and Mooli ki sabzi which she called – Galka Moori ki sabzi.  I also love the simple and rustic flavours of this humble and flavourful turai mooli ki sabzi. This curry is made with few ingredients like green chili, coriander and lemon juice. Tempering should be done in either mustard oil or ghee only.

The curry is quite watery as turai and mooli both release water while cooking. If you want a slightly dry curry then can boil it on high flame for some time. I love to have this turai mooli ki sabzi with garam garam rotis and lots of ghee, but it also taste great with steamed rice. Do try this curry and you will surely love the simple flavours.

Turai Mooli ki Subzi

Turai Mooli ki Subai / Sponge Gourd and Radish Curry


Turai Mooli ki Sabzi / Sponge Gourd and Radish Curry
A simple and rustic curry made with sponge gourd and radish
Servings Prep Time
2people 10minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
2people 10minutes
Cook Time
  1. Wash and peel the ridge gourd and radish and make small pieces.
  2. Heat oil in a pan or pressure cooker and add cumin and green chilies.
  3. When cumin becomes golden in colour, add turmeric and chopped vegetables.
  4. Add salt and mix well.
  5. Pressure cook or cook in the covered pan till done. No need to add water as the vegetables release enough water while cooking.
  6. When done, mash it slightly and add lemon juice and fresh coriander.
  7. Serve hot with roti or rice.

The post Turai Mooli ki Sabzi / Sponge Gourd and Radish Curry appeared first on Maayeka. Indian home recipes - just like Maayeka!


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