Monday 2 September 2013

Mushrooms on Toast with Garlic, Pancetta and Oregano

This was going to be a Meatless Monday recipe, but I had a packet of pancetta that I needed to use up so . . . alas, into the mix they went, but if you want to go meatfree, just leave it out!

Mushrooms on Toast was not anything I had ever contemplated eating before I moved over here in the year 2000. I worked at a care home for the elderly that first year I was here and I was introduced to all sorts of wierd sounding dishes there . . . beans on toast, spaghetti on toast, mushrooms on toast, cheese on toast . . . cheese and onion sandwiches, cheese and tomato sandwiches . . . the list goes on and on!!

I was amazed and I think the cook at the home thought me a bit stupid when I asked them what they each were . . . "What's bean's on toast?" (Cue in incredulous stare) "Why . . . they are beans on toast! DUH! Beans on toast I thought sounded quite good and they are . . . likewise spaghetti on toast . . . but let me tell you right now. I was not impressed with the mushrooms on toast. A tin of mushrooms heated and then spooned out onto toast. Toast made all soggy from the mushroom liquid . . . mushrooms all rubbery and lacking in . . . well any real mushroom flavour.

Come on now. We can do better than that! Had I been in charge those poor residents might have had something a lot tastier . . . something like these delicious mushrooms on toast!

Browned in a bit of olive oil with some red onions, pancetta and a touch of garlic and oregano . . . the mushrooms all nicely browned on the edges, the pancetta crispy . . . the red onions, meltingly tender . . . a knob of butter stirred in at the end, and then the whole lot spooned over crisp and buttery slices of tasty sour dough toast.

Now THAT . . . my friends . . . is mushrooms on toast worth digging in to! (If you're feeling truly indulgent, scrap some fresh Parmesan Cheese over top as well. Scrummy yummy!)

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*Mushrooms on Toast with Garlic, Pancetta and Oregano*

Serves 4

Printable Recipe

Deliciously meaty mushrooms fried in olive oil, along with some cubed pancetta, garlic, red onions and finished off with a knob of butter. Served on crisp toast, these are fabulous and make a great light supper.

250g of closed cup mushrooms (about 1 pound)

2 red onions, peeled and cut into wedges

2 fat cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed

4 sprigs of fresh oregano, leaves only, chopped

100g of cubes of pancetta (about 1/2 cup)

2 TBS extra virgin olive oil

a knob of butter

4 thick slices of sour dough bread, toasted and buttered

freshly ground black pepper

some chopped fresh flat leaf parsley

Wipe the mushrooms clean and then cut them into thick slices. Heat the olive oil in a skillet. Toss in the pancetta. Cook and stir until crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add the mushrooms and onions to the drippings in the pan. Cook without disturbing until the mushrooms begin to turn golden brown. Stir and cook until they are the desired doneness. (I like lots of crispy edges.) Toss in the garlic and cook for about 2 minutes longer. Add the cooked pancetta and heat through. Stir in the knob of butter, oregano and season with a good grinding of black pepper.

Lay out the four slices of toast on heated plates and spoon the cooked mushroom mixture over top, dividing it equally amongst the four plates. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Note: if desired you can shave some fresh parmesan cheese over top. Very scrummy!


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