Friday 31 May 2019

Blogging Marathon # 102 – 3 Day Marathon for 4 weeks!

This is an announcement for the Blogging Marathon Regular Edition during July 2019.


Do you want to join the Blogging Marathon Group? Read the FAQs

Can I join the Blogging Marathon Group
Yes, if you have been blogging for at least the last 6 months.

Do you have different Blogging Marathon types?
Yes, we have a regular BM, which is 4 weeks of 3 consecutive days each

2 Mega BMs during April and Sep, running for 30 days nonstop.

When is the Regular BM signup announcement made?
On 1st of each month for the upcoming month.

How many weeks should I do the minimum?
Mandatory 2 weeks for all participants.

What is the entry for BM?
The entry is by Sign ups. Once the announcement is made, the blogger must email me with their theme choice.

How many bloggers per theme?
Each theme will have only 4 bloggers, on first come first basis.

Ok, I join in, what I am supposed to do with the posts?
You should tag/label your posts with “Blogging Marathon”
Insert the code that will be given to you.

What else is expected to be part of this group?
The weeks you are doing BM, you will have read your fellow participating blogger’s post and leave a meaningful comment. One word or One liner comments are not accepted.

I have joined the group, how long will my subscription valid?
BM subscription is only for a month. If you are not doing every month, you will be unsubscribed from the group.

I have picked up the themes, what to do next?
Cook, click and post on your blog on the BM dates. However, your recipes should follow the theme conditions, please read the fine lines. Each theme will come with its clauses. No theme is straightforward unless it is straightforward!


Before going into the new themes, here are the links to some of the BM related pages.

From 2017 BM details can be found on the Blogging Marathon Page.

If you want to check out older BM details, check the BM Archives

If you are new and want to join us, check out the BM Guidelines and Rules

Since we have a month to prepare, please avoid doing last minute posting, prepare ahead and schedule, which should give you enough time to read the fellow participating blogger’s post in leisure.

For details on BM held every month, check out the Blogging Marathon page.

If you want to know how the Blogging Marathon started, read the first edition

So the dates will be:
3, 4, 5 Jul
10, 11, 12 Jul
17, 18, 19 Jul
24, 25, 26 Jul

If you want to sign up, please email me at latest by 08th June along with your themes.

FYI: Requests to join after 08th June will not be accepted.

Mandatory rules for this Blogging Marathon are as below:

  • Should take up 2 weeks of BM without fail. It can be any two weeks.
  • Will have to post on all 3 days with 2 weeks without fail
  • You cannot take the same themes, except for the different Kid’s Delight theme.
  • Should follow the accepted theme all 3 days, meaning if you choose one topic like Rice, you should post all rice based recipes all 3 days.
  • Should link to the Blogging Marathon page.
  • Is expected to actively give feedback on others post.
  • Mandatory reading and commenting on the fellow participating member

Each theme can be selected by four bloggers on first come first basis.

Other rules will be mailed to the individuals.

Themes for BM#102 will be the following:

Kid’s Delight theme ensures my Kid’s Delight event, guest hosted by other bloggers gets good entries. Since the event is 16th – 15th every month, we have two different themes happening for BM in a month. And you have the choice of doing two different themes.

Kid’s Delight – Savory Bakes (3,4,5 and 10,11,12)
Kid’s Delight – Birthday Party Treats (17,18,19 and 24,25,26)

Please note all entries for Kid’s Delight theme have to be kid approved. The dish can be either approved by your own kid, your young relatives, neighbors or even something that you enjoyed as a kid. Do remember to mention the age group of the kid, so that it becomes easy for others.

Kid’s Delight – Savory Bakes (3,4,5 and 10,11,12)

The 1st and 2nd weeks of July will be hosted by Sowmya themed on “Savory Bakes”. She will be announcing the event on her blog on the 15th of June. 

Kid’s Delight – Birthday Party Treats (17,18,19 and 24,25,26)

The 3rd and 4th week of July will be hosted by Sharmila themed on “Birthday Party Treats”. She will be announcing the event on her blog on the 15th of July.

Bring some Brownies

I needn’t tell you what to bring right!

Pizzas from Different Regions

Showcase Pizzas from different regions that are popular for its pizzas like the New York Pizza etc.

Don’t Just dip, spread too!

Yea, I love those spreads and it need not just be Dips alone and it can be from any cuisine!

One Bowl dishes

These dishes are those that can be cooked using just one bowl or served in a bowl. Be creative, please!

Restaurant Recreations

Do you love some specific restaurant dish and have always wanted to recreate in your kitchen? Now is the time!

Pick cuisines from South American Countries

We have so many countries under this and you can pick any 3 countries and do 1 for each day!

Special Theme:

We have two themes for the 4th week. Please read the rules carefully.

Redo Old Posts 

Do mandatory 2 weeks regular BM and you can do the 4th week with Redo your older posts theme. Please note, you will have to 2 mandatory BM themes to pick this up.

Regular Bookmarked

This the regular Bookmarks Theme.

You can either do bookmarks from your regular Bookmarks.

So do 3 weeks, pick up this 4th fourth of your own choice. It can be anything you bookmarked or your own.


Please spread the details if you want your friends to be part of this marathon.
Let’s gear up for another nonstop blogging!

The post Blogging Marathon # 102 – 3 Day Marathon for 4 weeks! appeared first on Spice your Life!.


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