Tuesday 29 December 2015

Mexican Pizza

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I always pick up extra tins of beans and chili when they are on special at the shops.  They make great store cupboard ingredients.  Sometimes its kidney beans, or cannelini, borlotti or chick peas . . . and sometimes it's refried beans.   They always come in handy.

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Especially these days when our food budget is very tight, and more often than not I find myself looking for an economical and filling meal for the two of us, but also something which is delicious.  These Mexican Pizzas do just that.  It's a great way to make a tin of beans and a tin of chili stretch to feed four people.

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They're quick to make and are very, very tasty.  I often am able to pick up jars of salsa on special as well.  In any case I always have one or two in the store cupboard, along with pouches of green and black olives, which I also pick up when they are only 99p.

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I also pick up extra blocks of cheese when they are on special as well.   I throw them into the freezer, which means I also always have an additional source of protein to hand.  Having all these things in my store cupboard means I always have the things I need to throw together a tasty and economical meal at the drop of a hat.

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I also make my own tortillas from scratch.  I've been doing it for years.  You will find the recipe below.  It makes more than you will need for this recipe, but they also freeze very well, so that's not a problem and they come in handy for all sorts.

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You can use them for wraps, or enchiladas, or soft tacos.   if you don't like to use lard you can use Crisco or White Flora or Trex.  All work well.  I do hope you will give these a try and that you enjoy them as much as we do, and when you do that you come back and let me know!  Of course you could make your own chili con carne, or use leftover chili.   I just wanted you to know that a tin of chili works just as well and is really handy!

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*Mexican Pizza*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

Who wouldn't love an individual Mexican pizza all to themselves, especially when they are this tasty!  (Also very simple to make!)

8 6-inch flour tortillas
1 tin of stag chili con carne
1 clove of garlic, peeled and minced
1 tin (400g/16oz) tin of refried beans
1/2 to 1 tsp chipolte chili paste (depending on how hot you like it)
1 300g jar of tomato salsa (about 1 cup) divided
3 spring onions, chopped
a handful of green olives, pitted and chopped
a handful of black olives, pitted and chopped
120g of grated strong cheddar cheese (1 cup)
130g of grated Monterrey Jack cheese (1 cup)
shredded lettuce and sour cream to garnish

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F. gas mark 6.   Line several large baking trays with foil.  Spray the foil with nonstick cooking spray.

Place the chile and refried beans into a bowl and mash well together along with the garlic and chipolte chili paste.   Place 4 of the tortillas onto the baking trays.  Divide the bean mixture between each and spread over to cover.  Top with the remaining four tortillas, pressing down lightly to stick together.

Bake them in the heated oven for 10 minutes.  Remove from the oven.   Spread half of the salsa over top of each pizza, dividing it equally between the four.   Mix the cheeses together and divide this amongst the pizzas as well, sprinkling it over top.  Sprinkle with the spring onions and olives.   Return to the oven for a further 5 to 10 minutes, until the cheese is melted and the pizzas are crisp on the edges.

Allow to cool slightly before serving garnished with additional salsa, lettuce and sour cream.  Delicious!

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*Flour Tortillas*
makes 14 to 16
Printable Recipe

So easy to do and so much tastier then the shop bought ones.

150g of plain flour (1 1/2 cups all purpose)
100g of strong flour (1 cup bread flour)
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp fine sea salt
110g of lard or white flora (1/2 cup)
250ml hot water (1 cup)

In a large mixing bowl, combine both types of flour, baking powder and salt. Drop 1/2 cup lard by the spoonfuls into flour mixture and, using a pastry cutter, your fingers or a fork, cut lard until it crumbles and is evenly dispersed in the flour. Slowly add the hot water and stir together until mixture sticks to itself. If not quite moist, add 1-2 more tbsp. lard, as needed.

Knead, in the mixing bowl, for 3-5 minutes or until dough forms a ball and becomes less sticky. Cover bowl with tea towel and let rest for 1 hour. Break the dough into 14-16 smaller pieces and roll the pieces into balls. Cover balls of dough for an additional 30 minutes.

 Preheat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Using a well-floured rolling pin, roll one dough ball at a time into a thin, round tortilla. Make sure the ball is rolled out to be very, very thin. Carefully place onto the hot skillet and cook until bubbly and golden, about 30-40 seconds. Flip the tortilla over and continue cooking until golden on the other side.

Wrap the cooked tortilla in a clean tea towel until ready to eat. Repeat with the remaining dough. Serve immediately or, once completely cool, store in an air-tight bag or container. To warm, wrap in damp paper towel and microwave for 20-30 seconds or wrap in foil and warm in oven.


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