Thursday 31 December 2015

Memories the Essence of Life ~ Best of 2015!

Well I am sucker for traditions and things I follow and continue to do year after and year. Why else will I still persist in hosting this Best of the Year event! Of course its also for those of my friends, who expect me to do and I do for their sake!

As we all seem to say, Year 2015 went off in a jiffy! I am sure its going to be the same for 2016 too. Yet so much has happened and even with the months rolling, we managed to do something each month.

This year I managed to do BM in both my blogs, that ensured I shared more recipes this year than last.

The year was more exciting as we are all meeting for the BM's 50th edition, hosted in Madras. The endless discussions and plans kept us going. We met during Feb and what a meet it was!

As with last year, I ended up writing this at the last moment.

Though it felt like just moments ago, when I sit back to think, I realize I have traveled quite a few steps.

My long lasted friend BB, gave up on me and I had to move to a newer phone, that opened up more windows to be in touch with the net. I have been active on Instagram, more than any other forum.

The unexpected rains that happened, stopped us mid way more than what we expected.

I had some unexpected health issues that left a big mark on many things. I realized I need to rethink on certain factors and that will make 2016 different, hopefully.

I am not too much into making resolutions or big decisions. Its always been more learning, living to the fullest and giving the best shot and taking the best foot first.

My Konda is giving her 10th exams this year and I need all the blessings for her. More than others at home, she is my little apprentice in all ways possible. I am always wanting to instill all the things that my parents did for me and made what I am today.

I am still noting down things that will interest my boys and yes towards that, it was my wish that I make all the different brownies I could and I sort of managed to do this December. Wish I had captured and shared the joy they show on seeing a chocolate cake!

Coming to the recipes posted during the year, I managed about 170 recipes in C4AS, some of the pictures below

and about 195 in Spice your Life!

With that short recap of Year 2015, I bid a farewell to the year that was and looking forward to create more and share more.

Wish you all a very Happy New Year!

This is for the event Best of Year 2015


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