Monday 2 November 2015

Palak Pakora | How to make Easy Spinach Onion Fritters

We are starting yet another BM Edition, #58. For the first week I will be doing Tea Time Snacks. All those decilious snacks that you cook to serve during Tea and while its not a custom that we follow at home, I do remember Amma making an effort to dish out some sinful Tea Time Snacks.

Its mostly toys around Indian Snacks tending towards pakodas, bajjis and vadas at home. We have not been so found of Biscuits or Tea Cakes. Even though I have fancied around these categories. While coffee is a must for mornings, Amma and Hubby dear prefer Tea for evenings. While Dad and I would love coffee. Since Hubby dear is more on filter coffees and by the time one brews a filter, I feel I might as well fancy a tea. Infact he only likes tea for evening. So it is tea and given his nature of not digging into snacks, our Tea Times have always been a dull affair.

Except those occasions where we have savories all lined up or have home gues or visit somebody else. Talking about visiting others, we have couple of funny incident where the host served us tea and then served snacks. Hubby dear used to to fume on this overlook and always felt tea helps in washing down the snacks much better.
Anyway the couple of times we were visiting, we always had pakodas served along with Tea and also during long drives, we always stop over motels to have tea and by defaul, it is always some pakods. I guess I am clear on what I am going to be showcasign for the next three days under Tea Time Snacks.

These Palak Pakoras are something that I made during the Gujarati Thali. No state can claim rights on these pakodas and I guess they belong to simply Indian Cuisine. While planning on the menu, I had some typical gujju savories, however as always, last minute time constain, makes you dig into short cuts and simpler dishes. One such snack was this Palak Pakoras. 

I was surprised that I don't have a Palak Pakoras shared yet. So it was more the reason why I would want to attempt to make it. The fact that everybody loved it again, was a plus.

I shared Gujarati Style Potato Sabzi if you are interested!

Palak Pakoras

Ingredients Needed:

Palak - 1 cup
Onions - 1 medium
Besan / Gram flour - 1 cup
Green Chilies - 2 medium
Red chili powder - 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder a pinch
Cumin Seeds - 1/4 tsp
Salt to taste
Hot oil - 1 tbsp
Water as required.
Cooking Soda a pinch
Oil for deep frying

How to make the Palak Pakoras

Wash and chop the spinach leaves.

In a bowl, add the onion julinnes, chopped palak, chopped green chilies, red chili powder, salt, cooking soda, cumin seeds and mix together. 

Slowly add the besan by 3 -4 tbsp and mix in the hot oil. combine everything and sprinkle water to make batter.

The batter should not be very thick or very thin. The Besan used should just about cover everything.

Heat the oil for deep frying. Drop in batches of batter using spoons. 

Cook on both sides until crispy and drain to a kitchen towel.

The measurement is always approximate. The entire batter is tasted and adjusted for spice.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM


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