Monday 27 April 2015

Coriander Cumin Savory Bread ~ No Knead Bread

As I was telling yesterday, though I had a different plan, I changed it during the course of time and decided to bake dinner ideas. It only helped that some of my fellow buddies were already doing similar ideas and since I was bookmarking it, I decided I might as well make it right now, instead of increasing my bookmark list.

So for the second day, the dish that caught my eye was Priya Srinivasan's No Knead Tutti Frutti Bread. Yea I know you will wonder when it was savory bread, why a sweet bread caught my eye. The genius she is, she so smartly made two other savory breads and was trying to pique our interest. I had to ask her right away about the measurement and she so sweetly updated right away. 

I knew I had the huge task of baking all the four breads over the weekend. And was seriously planning how to accommodate all of them. I even had a pact with hubby dear, saying that he will have to have bread for his dinner. Poor guy, when I told him that I was going to make Pesarattu for dinner, he asked what happened to the bread that he was supposed to have. 

Since my hands were sticky most times, he even helped me with clicking some of the sbs pictures. Even though I planned on baking all the four breads, after Focaccia and this, I felt full beyond understanding. I was eating bread for my lunch and dinner as well. So I realized I had to postpone the other two for later. I am only hoping I will be able to make the last one!

Did you see that cute looking Salt shaker? Well that's a gift from Usha and I have been waiting to use it. The day was too pressing with too much cooking and end of all that, thinking for plating takes a beating. So it was so hard to even imagine how I wanted this bread to be kept. I saw Konda working and her books were lying near by. I thought I might as well click in the frame. Yes she is in 10th grade this year and will no longer help me much or that's what I have been telling her. The year is going to be hectic for all of us.

When I had started this blog, she was in her 2nd std and we have been through so many years of being a picky eater, to fussy eater and then eating because it was mentioned in the blog that she eats to the person she is right now. I don't think my blogs have helped or made an impact my boys as much as it did on Konda. I have been happy on all the positive energy that flows out of this.

Coriander Cumin Savory Bread

Ingredients Needed:

All purpose Flour - 1.5
Half of 1/4 tsp or 2 pinches of yeast
Salt - 1/2 tsp heaped
Water - 3/4 cup 
Coriander leaves, finely chopped - 1/4 cup
Cumin seeds - 1/4 tsp
Green chilies, finely chopped - 1 to 2 nos 
White sesame for topping 1/4 tsp

Mix and refrigerate for 12 - 18 hrs

How to make the Coriander cumin Bread:

In a mixing bowl, take the flour, salt, sugar, instant yeast along with savory ingredients. Add water and mix well. 

Cling-wrap the dough and refrigerate it overnight. The dough has to rest for 12-18 hours minimum. I prepared the dough at about 9 in the night, and baked it next day by 1 pm in the afternoon.

After 12 hours of resting, take the dough out of the fridge. Prepare the loaf pan with parchment paper. Dust the dough with flour, and shape the dough into a loaf and place it in a loaf pan. 

I had only this loaf pan and was praying it should rise up. I should have simply made a ball and used a different mould. 

Let the dough sit for 2 hours. Preheat the oven to 220 C and bake the loaf at 200 C for 20-22 minutes or until the top turn golden brown. 

Remove the loaf from the oven, transfer it to a wire rack, let it cool completely. Cut and serve with your favorite spread.  

The bread turned out quite spicy and was good with tea. I noticed that even my previous no knead bread gave bigger crumb and sort of looked starchy. So I am wondering what went wrong. Taste wise it was very delicious.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#51


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