Sunday 26 April 2015

Caramelized Onion & Roasted Garlic Focaccia

We are starting the final week of this Baking Mega BM. I think this was one of the easiest Mega BM that we have done till date. Even though we had finalized the theme months before, I started preparing for this only a week before April and I managed to have the first week ready. I was writing the post daily and just about managed it.

So you can imagine how it must be. With kids who will only eat chocolate based dishes, my choices were so limited. However Konda said she was bored of eating only chocolates and wanted me to make something different. With her assurance that the dishes will be taken care, I just went ahead.

Even then the sweet dishes were too many and too sweet for comfort. I was bored of baking a cake or a cookie. All this meant that the originally planned theme was thrown out and something new had to be planned. I had originally planned on Fruits and Vegetable Based Cakes and Muffins. Imagine the sugar high again!
I felt choking with sugar, even though I haven't touched anything that I baked this month other than the savory dishes. With just four days left, I decided I would opt for some savory bakes that would double up as Dinner Ideas. Well I knew I wasn't picking up something unique, still I was exciting when couple of my buddies posted similar themes.

This week will feature Savory bakes that will serve as Dinner Ideas. I can hear the question as to who actually had these breads as their dinner in my conventional family who are very unconventional in thinking that breads can't be dinner dishes. So its your truly along with two saviours who are always ready to savour whatever that comes out of the kitchen. All the bakes done serves two max.

First in the choice was Focaccia. The first time I tasted this was about seven years ago when I had met some food bloggers. Rachel got us Ladenia and that led me to discover Focaccia. After so many years of wanting to bake this bread, I finally came around to bake this. Now next would be Ladenia. I remember that bread to be so addictive. 

I could have gone with the basic focaccia, however I love roasted garlic and onions and wanted to have this as topping. So you have this version!

Hopefully I have the next three done and ready for sharing!

Caramelized Onion & Roasted Garlic Focaccia

Ingredients Needed:

All purpose Flour - 1 & 3/4 cup
Warm Water - 3/4 cup
Olive Oil - 2 tbsp + 2 tbsp
Salt - 1 tsp
Instant Yeast - 1/2 tbsp
Italian Seasoning - 2 tsp 

For Topping 

Cooking Oil - 1 tsp
Onions, juliennes - 3/4 cup
Garlic - 6 -7 cloves

How to make Focaccia

Drizzle a 9″ round tray with olive oil and keep it aside.

In a wide bowl, mix in flour, water, instant yeast, salt and 1 1/2 tbsp oil. Combine everything to form a sticky dough. 

Oil your palm well and transfer the dough to tray. Press down the dough and stretch to cover the sides and corners. Press on all sides to level the dough. 

Cover with a cling wrap and allow it to rise for 1 hour.

Meanwhile prepare the topping by heating a non stick pan with oil and saute the onions and garlic till the onions caramelises. You can sprinkle few granulated sugar for quick caramelization. Ensure it's not too must but just few specks.

When the dough doubles in size, oil your finger tip and make dimples on the surface. This ensures that the bread remains flat during baking. 

Evenly spread the toppings all over the dough, Drizzle some olive oil again all over.

Preheat oven to 175 C. Bake for 30 minutes or till the crust is brown in colour.

Remove and drizzle few drops of olive oil and sprinkle the herbs. Bake again for 5 - 6 mins.

Remove to a wire rack and let it cool for 5 minutes.

Remove the bread from the tray and cool it completely on the wire rack.



The bread is about 1&1/2 inch thickness.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 51


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