Monday 19 May 2014

Rhubarb - Orange Gelatine

It seems like the change from the dregs of the last year to the start of the next season happens in a twinkling. We are now picking rhubarb, asparagus, spinach, lettuce, green onions, chives, and sorrel from the garden. Or would be, if we had any time.

Dad has been a time-absorbing guest. He has a cowbell to summon aid, and it sounds at all hours of the night and day. Between his physical pain and his mental and emotional turmoil, we are all utterly exhausted. I'm typing this up as a Red Cross worker is here to help with his personal care. They come in for 20 minutes to half an hour twice a day, and they have seriously saved my sanity. On Tuesday morning he will go into the local nursing home and we look forward to being able to deal with other things in our lives - even his other disasters - and to visiting him as a pleasure again and not as a never-ending chore.

Meanwhile, this was a quick and easy dessert to make. The texture was more soft and pudding-like than jelly-like, but none the worse for that. Orange juice goes very well with rhubarb, sweetening and mellowing it.

6 servings

20 minutes prep time; 2 hours (at least) set time

4 cups diced raw rhubarb

1 cup orange juice

3/4 cup sugar

another 1/2 cup orange juice

4 teaspoons granulated gelatine

Wash and trim the rhubarb, and cut it into short pieces. Put it in a large pot with 1 cup orange juice and the sugar. Bring to a boil, then simmer until the rhubarb disintegrates. Stir regularly.

Meanwhile, put the remaining orange juice into a quart bowl or mold. Sprinkle the gelatine evenly over it.

When the rhubarb is sufficiently cooked, remove the pan from the heat. Slowly stir the contents of the pot into the soaked gelatine in the bowl or jelly mold. Stir well to ensure the gelatine is completely dissolved.

Let the mixture cool slightly, then place it in the fridge until it is completely set; at least 2 hours, although overnight is best. Serve from the bowl, or unmold the gelatine by dipping the mold briefly into warm water to the brim (but don't get the jelly wet!) then flipping it onto a plate.

Last year at this time I made Carrot Soup with Dill & Chives, and The Strata of Montecristo.


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