Tuesday 8 January 2019

Recap ~ Best of 2018

Best of the Year post is always a nostalgic one. While I would have surely wanted to capture the thoughts before the year ended, I didn’t have time. So it had to be done later.

All of us are always in so much hurry and rush to do things as quickly as possible to tackle the next issue. Its become a scene of done with one post, go on the next. Almost like a business. While its helpful at times, it surely helps to pause and linger on some posts, read them in detail and relish the memory that comes along with it.

So when I sit back to write my own Best of the Year post, I always wonder how the time has passed away so quickly, or remember how I did something while cooking that etc.

Having said that, I asked my blogging friends to share their favorites, their best and their experiences that got them through 2018 and here’s what they had to share.

If there has always been one person who contributed the most for my events and participated in all has always ben Priya Suresh. I personally feel there is nothing this lady can’t cook or handle. Even though she has taken up a day job and doing many things together, she still managed to blog regularly and added so many new recipes. A big Kudos to her!

As I have always said, blogging has given me wonderful friends and there are few with whom I am in touch on regular basis. Vaishali tops the lists and she is just a phone call away. She is a person always bubbling with ideas and actions. When we decide on the Mega BM theme, she is always the first person to have everything cooked, clicked and scheduled too. The recipes she comes out with are amazing and you must head straight to her post to read more.

Renu shares her list of best dishes she has blogged during 2018 and it’s quite a huge one. One of the lovely posts I liked is the Chocolate chip Cookie that her kiddo baked. I was so impressed! So do check out!

Mireille is an excellent history teacher or at least that’s how I look at her. Her intros take us through the journey of the dish and if you are a person who is interested in knowing how something has evolved, then you must head straight to her recap and enjoy the list she has so well categorized.

Bhawana pens her account of how productive the whole year has been with its own ups and down. What really matters, in the end, is your output of things you wanted to do and achieved it by the year. That’s a good collage of things that happened.

Here’s another friend who has been with me on this journey of food blogging for a while and I always look forward to her lengthy posts and the many twists she comes up with. My fond memories about PJ will always be the first time we all met.

When I talk about blogger friends I met in person, I can’t miss out Archana. After meeting in person, the blogs become even more personalized and as she is a mad scientist in the kitchen, she surely comes out with some variety of things you can look forward too!

Swati joined BM recently and she would be the first person if I remember right who started from the first week itself. I normally never accept signups for a newbie from week 1 and I was amazed that she picked up the things very quickly. She is yet another person celebrating blog anniversary and I wish her all the best!

While I have known Preeti since a while, we have only communicated through emails and our blogs. The first time I met her was during the BM#75, and we were impressed with the childlike nature she still has. She is no doubt still the baby of the group. Her clicks have turned out awesome and surely drool worthy.

Lastly, I have shared my own account of how the year has been in terms of my personal life, which can never be so removed from my blogging life.

Thank you, friends, for sharing your thoughts with me.

I hope and expect we all enjoy this journey as best we can!

One important event we are looking forward to this year is our BM#100 meet. Will surely keep everybody posted on that.

The post Recap ~ Best of 2018 appeared first on Cooking 4 all Seasons.


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