Saturday 30 September 2017

Baked Donuts and the Truth

I wanted to bake us a special treat today as we will be watching our church's bi-annual General Conference and I usually like to make it with a special treat.  I had seen a photo on Pinterest for some Baked Glazed Strawberry Donuts that looked absolutely Divine.

Doesn't that look good . . .  all moist and strawberry-like.  Wouldn't you just love to bit into that.  It looks so moist and delicious and pink, and well rounded also.   I decided to go for it.  I made the recipe exactly as written, with very disappointing results, and I am a very experienced baker. 

They were rubbery and tasteless.  I did add 1/4 tsp of ground cardamom, but that would not have affected the results that much. I added a crap-load of red food colour also in an attempt to get them as pink as hers look, but even after all that the most I could achieve is what you see here.  They were not as rounded as hers.  I don't think this recipe is meant to make 10 donuts at all.  At best it will only make six.  Try as I might, there is no redeeming these.   If you are looking for a good baked donut, these are not the ones.

I have to say that I am a bit miffed about this huge colossal waste of time and ingredients.  I've been blogging for about 15 years and food blogging for about 10 + in one form or another.  In all that time I have endeavored to be totally honest and transparent with my readers.  What you see here is real.  I don't doctor up my photos or present anything to you that isn't 100% doable and that doesn't work. I don't show you fake stuff mascarading as something I baked myself. Its all stuff I do myself, in my own kitchen, and whilst I am willing to allow for people's inexperience in the kitchen, or differences in taste, I like to think that if you use one of my recipes you will be pleased with the results.  I guess I just hate being disappointed, cheated or lied to.  I cook lots of things that you just don't see because it  didn't work for one reason or another,  or I wasn't happy with the results.  Maybe I am wrong, but I wish that people would just be honest.  I hate going to blogs and seeing pimped out, highly coloured, artificial photos.  I can think of one in particular that does that, not naming any names, and I used to really enjoy visiting it until it became nothing more than a traveloque filled with highly edited and artificially coloured photos.

Is it wrong of me to expect realism and truth?
Just asking because I really do want to know.

Lets talk.


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