Monday 27 June 2016

Butterscotch Ice Cream with Butterscotch Sauce

For the final day of cooking One Sauce, Two dishes, under BM#65, I made Butterscotch Sauce and for the first dish, it was an Eggless Butterscotch Custard Cake. So the second day say Butterscotch Ice Cream made with the sauce. The Ice Cream is my regular No churn Ice Cream made with just Cream and Condensed Milk. For the slight yellow colour, I used saffron strands and to get that crunchy effect, added the broken chips.

The Butterscotch Sauce was poured over the ice cream and I had to set it again before clicking as I was experimenting with my new camera. I am still trying to find my spot with it. When I removed it, I saw the colour turned a bit darker and it set as hot chocolate made with coconut oil. It also tasted as toffee with ice cream.

Butterscotch Icecream with Butterscotch Sauce

Ingredients Needed:

Fresh Cream - 1 cup
Condensed Milk - 1/2 cup
Butterscotch chips - 1/3 cup
Butterscotch essence - 1/4 tsp
Butterscotch Sauce - 1/2 cup
Saffron Strands - few mixed in few drops of milk

How to make Butterscotch Icecream

Warm milk and add the saffron strands, let it stand for some time till it melts.

In a mixing bowl, take fresh cream, beat for a minute until frothy and creamy.

Next add condensed milk and beat it again for a minute.

Then add butterscotch essence, 1/4 cup Butterscotch sauce, beat again. Blend well and set it aside.

Take butterscotch chips in a mixer and grind it to a coarse powder. Add it to the cream mixture. Add the saffron milk. Mix with a spatula.

Pour half of the mix into a freezer safe container. Once it sets, remove half the ice cream, pour the remaining butterscotch sauce over it in a swirl movement. Next, set the other half of the remaining ice cream mix on top.

Close with a lid and freeze for at least 6-8 hrs. I kept it overnight.

Scoop and Serve with Butterscotch chips and sauce.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM


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