Tuesday 22 December 2015

Skinny Layered Mac & Cheese

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I know what you are thinking  . . .  skinny mac and cheese?  Can it be possible.  Well, in all truth, there is no such thing as truly skinny mac and cheese, and a better name would probably be skinnier mac and cheese, but hey!  If you can cut the calories in a dish like this and not lose any of the flavour, and end up with a dish that still tastes somewhat indulgent, then I would say job well done!

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This dish is delicious and probably has about a third less the calories of the full fat version.   I did this by using skimmed milk and the new 33% lower in fat low low cheese blend.  This is a great tasting cheese blend which includes low fat Red Leicester,  Medium Cheddar and Mozzarella for that bit of ooze factor.

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This gets layered in a dish with cooked macaroni.   A mix of eggs and skimmed milk, seasoned lightly with salt, pepper and paprika . . .  is poured over top and the the whole thing is baked.   You do save some of the cheese for later.  It gets thrown on right at the end to gild the lily so to speak.

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The end result is something totally delicious, totally family pleasing, and just that little bit better for you, than the full fat version.  As a once in a blue moon version, you just can't lose!

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*Skinny Layered Mac & Cheese*
Serves 4

Scrumptious and lower in fat and calories than the regular kind.  It's always going to be an occasional treat, but it's nice to be able to indulge now and again without it being over the top.  This is delicious. 

1/2 pound of macaroni, cooked and drained
(I like to use whole wheat)
400g of low low Medium red and Mozzarella grated cheese (4 cups))
2 large free range eggs
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/8 tsp ground sweet paprika
355ml of skimmed milk (1 1/2 cups) 

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Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F. gas mark 4.  Spray a 2 litre baking dish with low fat cooking spray.   Layer 1/3 of the macaroni in the baking dish.  Sprinkle with 1/3 of the cheese.   Repeat layers, topping with the remaining macaroni.  Reserve the last third of the cheese for later.  Whisk together the milk, eggs, salt, pepper and paprika.  Pour evenly over the macaroni.  Cover tightly with foil and bake for 35 to 40 minutes. Uncover and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.  Return to the oven and bake for a 5 to 10 minutes longer.  Remove from the oven and let stand for about 5 minutes before serving.

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Calories per serving:  485
Fat: 3.3g
Carbs:  75.3g
Sugars:  34.7g
Protein:  34.5g


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