Friday, 24 October 2014

Potato and Sweet Corn Sliders ~ Mini Burgers for Party!

When I baked in those beautiful Eggless Burger Buns, I knew I had to make two more recipes as the combo, as I was sure I won't be able to bake the other bread that was suggested for this month's Tame the Yeast theme. The Eggless Burger Buns were suggested by Gayathri and she made 4 buns from her measurement. I wanted to make smaller versions as I was planning on making the Sliders. A slider is supposed to be a smaller version of the regular burger, made with patty or other toppings served on a smaller buns.

Since Konda has been asking me for some burgers for a while, I thought this would be the best option I can go for. Infact I made two version of the sliders, you can come back to read on the other idea tomorrow. Coming to the first version, I used a very simple patty, with ingredients that my daughter would love to eat. Sweet corns are always stocked, so I boiled some and made a simple patty mixed with boiled potato, seasoned with Italian seasoning and chili flakes. The highlight comes in cooking this in butter and getting the golden texture on both the sides.

It's been raining the whole week and we are having a wonderful weather. I miss my rides in a rain drenched roads, however the way the roads are so poorly maintained it becomes a exercise in extreme to wade through the waters and reach your destiny. On the Diwali day we work and that day I mostly use my bike. So riding my bike on an almost empty road, with some handful of kids playing with the firecrackers, splashing on the patches of rain water, I was get reminded of the many such rides from past. I don't know what's it about rains and rain clogged roads and a bike ride. It always gets me nostalgic and reminds of roads not taken and I get very poignant. Of course nothing dramatic happens after this. I still get back to regular everyday stuff. However those few moments spent alone on your bike, with hardly any company on the roads and the weather being so chill, takes you to heaven, if not literally!

And the heaven it was, was what Konda told me when she took a bite of this slider I made for her. She was undecided on which was best. She voted both as awesome, basically she finished off the buns mostly as such. I had to request her to keep some for these two recipes.

Coming to the picture set up, did you notice the green and fresh coriander leaves? well I am so grinning with joy as these are plucked fresh from my pot! I have a pot full of fresh coriander leaves and it looks so awesome. Have clicked some pictures, didn't get around sharing it. Anyway make this and enjoy!

Potato and Sweet Corn Sliders

Ingredients Needed:

Eggless Burger Buns

For the patties

Mashed potato - 1/2 cup

Boiled Sweet Corn Kernels - 1/2 cup

Butter - 1 tbsp

Salt to taste

Italian Seasoning - 1 tsp

Chili flakes - 1 tsp

Other ingredients

Ketchup as required

Cheese Slices

Onion Circles Rinds

Tomato Circles

How to make the Potato Sweet Corn Patty

Wash and slash the potato and MW for 4 mins. Soak in water and mash with fork.

Boil sweet corn kernels for 5 mins and drain.

Take both mashed potato and corn, add in the spices and mix well.

Press tightly so that the potatoes and corn get combined well. Pinch out small portions and roll them into patties.

Heat a non stick pan with butter, place the patties and cook on low flame, till it gets golden on both sides.

For the assembling the Sliders

Slice the burgers half, heat a pan with butter. Toast the burger on both sides.

Remove to a plate, spread ketchup on the lower slide, place the cheese slice and then this patty on top. Press and serve.


I didn't add cheese slice in the slider that I have clicked. However cheese slice makes all the difference.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 45


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