This is one of my daughter's favourite soup. She loves mushrooms and clams. Okay, She loves the clams more than the mushroom.
I couldn't get short neck clam (花拉)so I got the regular white vienna clams (拉拉)instead. The fussy little eater could tell the difference and did a bit of complaining. =_=|||
- 400ml Dashi Soup Stock or Water with 1 teaspoon instant Dashi Powder
- 300g Clams
- 3 slices Ginger, julienned
- 1 tablespoon Sake
- 1/4 teaspoon Salt
- Light Soy Sauce to taste
- Assorted Mushroom (I'm using Enoki, Shimeiji and Shitake Mushrooms)
How to do it:
- Soak clams in salted water to let it 'spit' out sand.
- Steam clams for 10 minutes or till are slightly opened.
- Discard those that remain closed.
- Remove clams and set aside
- Sieve and reserve liquid from steaming the clams.
- Meanwhile, bring water to a boil.
- Add in the reserved clam juice and the rest of the ingredients, except salt and light soy sauce.
- Bring it to a gentle boil.
- Season with salt and light soy sauce.
- Serve.
- I prefer using short neck clams (if available) than white vienna clams as the former is sweeter.
- Steaming the clams helps prevent having clams that are bad in the soup, thus having to throw the whole soup away. It also help filters any sand/dirt that was not expel out previously from the soaking.
- Amount of mushroom used depends on your liking.
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