Wednesday 23 September 2020

Acelgas con Patatas - Swiss Chard with Potatoes

Another day; another Spanish recipe for Swiss chard. Maybe it should actually be called Spanish chard? But the Spanish name for it - acelgas - comes from the Moorish. Maybe it should be Moorish chard...?

Like a lot of Spanish dishes this couldn't be simpler. Even so, you can divide it into 2 parts and make it in stages. Using leftover boiled potatoes would be a good plan too. Of course, in Spain the oil would be olive oil, but I'm not sure how noticeable it is through the robust flavour of Swiss chard; I used something milder and was perfectly happy with it.

This makes a fair bit, and we did not manage to eat it all at dinner. The rest of it got made into a sort of egg "tortilla" for breakfast the next day, which is to say it got re-heated in a skillet and then had eggs poured all over it. Also very good!

4 servings
45 minutes prep time

Acelgas con Patatas - Swiss Chard with Potatoes

Advance Preparation:
500 grams (1 pound) medium potatoes
1 bunch Swiss chard

Wash and trim the potatoes. They should be of a size to slice nicely into rounds for frying. Put them in a pot of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, then drain and cool. It can be just enough to allow you to handle them, or they can cool completely and be kept until needed.

While the potatoes cook, wash and trim the Swiss chard. Cut the stems into bite-sized pieces and chop the leaves coarsely. Put them in a strainer in the sink, and when the potatoes are drained, drain them over the Swiss chard until it is wilted completely. Drain well and put away with the potatoes (if being kept for later). 

Fry Up the Vegetables:
1 large onion
3 tablespoons olive OR mild vegetable oil
3 cloves of garlic
1/4 teaspoon salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon sweet (smoked) Spanish paprika
1 teaspoon rubbed savory OR thyme

Peel and sliver or chop the onion.

Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the potatoes and cook them for between 5 and 10 minutes, turning occasionally, until they have browned a fair bit. While they cook, peel and chop the garlic finely.

Add the onions to the potatoes and cook for another few minutes, until they begin to soften and brown. Add the garlic and spices and mix in well. In just a minute or so, but once they are well in, mix in the Swiss chard; stems and leaves.

Continue cooking, stirring regularly, until everything is well amalgamated, hot through, and done to your liking. Transfer to a dish and serve at once.

Last year at this time I made "Stuffing" Dressed Cauliflower.


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