Thursday 16 July 2015

Dancing Donut (Food Truck)

So far I have left donut reviews to my twitter friend @GwenderWoman who loves to try them all and write about them for me, but the other day the kids and I were at the Indie Arts and Vintage Marketplace and there was a Dancing Donut truck there, so we decided to take advantage of the situation and give them a go. My problem with donuts is that I never seem to want them for breakfast, when they are most available. I am just not a sweet eater in the mornings.

We tried two different kinds of donuts that they had on this day, the chocolate glazed yeast ($2) and the brown butter crumble ($3). So I was the one who ordered the brown butter crumble because it seemed like a grown up fancy donut that I should try. My kids wanted the chocolate glazed.  So guess which one was the best? Yep, the chocolate glazed. And it was fabulous. First of all, it’s huge, but it is also super soft and airy, with just the right amount of choclately goodness without being over the top. It is a simple donut that shines because of the simplicity. I ended up finishing both of theirs off.

Don’t get me wrong, the brown butter crumble was good too, but really just over the top sweet. It was a slightly denser yeast donut (and not quite as big) topped with a very rich buttery icing and then crumbles of nut-looking topping and brown sugar crumbs. I was sort of expecting the “brown butter” aspect to give it a different kind of flavor, but it really was just full on sweet. I enjoyed it, but after a few bites, I couldn’t eat any more of it.

So that’s it, the only ones I have gotten to try so far, but I welcome other suggestions about other flavors to try, and other donut places to try, so let’s hear them.

Dancing Donut
1134 East 54th Street
Indy 46220


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