Wednesday 18 March 2020

Mustardy Curried Green Beans

We eat a lot of frozen vegetables around here in the winter; beans, peas, spinach, and peppers mostly. I don't write about them much. Somehow, it feels like cheating. The reality, though, is frozen vegetables have their place in the winter. No fuss, no waste, and often quite good in winter cooking.

This easy little bean dish was really nice, and could be served, as here, as part of an Indian-style ensemble, or as a veg in the traditional meat and two veg.

Just about every actual Indian green bean dish I saw called for coconut milk. I'm sure it's very nice with them, but since it isn't local and doesn't always agree with me, I went with stock. No reason you have to, though.

4 servings
20 minutes prep time

Mustardy Curried Green Beans
Mix the Spices:
1/2 teaspoon cumin seed
2 teaspoons whole mustard seed
1/4 teaspoon fenugreek seed
1/4 teaspoon fennel seed
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/2 teaspoon chick pea flour

Don't grind the seeds; I bruised them a little then just mixed everything in a small bowl.

Cook the Beans:
6 medium shallots
1 tablespoon mild vegetable oil
2 cups thawed frozen green beans in short pieces
1 tablespoon finely grated peeled fresh ginger
1/2 cup chicken stock OR coconut milk
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

Peel the shallots and cut them into slivers.

Heat the oil in a medium skillet over medium heat, and add the shallots. Cook until softened and reduced slightly in volume, but don't let them brown much. Stir regularly. When they are well on the way, mix in the dry spices and cook, stirring often, until they brown a little and some of the mustard seeds pop.

Meanwhile, chop the beans and peel and grate the ginger. Add the ginger to the shallots and mix it in well, then follow with the beans. Add the stock or coconut milk. Reduce the heat and simmer for a few minutes until the beans are hot through and the sauce is slightly thickened. Stir regularly. Serve at once.

Last year at this time I made Berbere Spice Blend.


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