Friday 1 November 2019

Brussels Sprouts with Buttered Mushrooms

This didn't quite come out as I expected: I was picturing shredded Brussels sprouts in the buttery, saucy embrace of the mushrooms. The Brussels sprouts I got were extremely solid though, and wanted to stay firmly in slices, and I blanched in horror at the amount of butter it would have required to make those mushrooms really buttery. They sucked what I thought was a generous amount of butter right up, then sat in the pan threatening to scorch rather than sizzle. They didn't scorch, because there really was quite a lot of butter to prevent it, but it was not remotely saucy. Adding the seasonings did not change that.

Can't complain though; the end result was very tasty. We had ours with some grilled smoked sausages, but they will make a good accompaniment to any kind of meat dish, I would think.

4 servings
40 minutes - 30 minutes prep time

Brussels Sprouts with Buttered Mushrooms

500 grams (1 pound) Brussels sprouts
200 grams (7 ounces) shiitake mushrooms
2 or 3 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 to 3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons mild vinegar
freshly ground black pepper to taste

Wash and trim the Brussels sprouts, and cut them into thin slices. Arrange them in a colander and put it in the sink. Fill a kettle with water and put it on to boil.

Meanwhile, remove and discard the stems of the shiitake mushrooms. Cut the caps into slices. Peel and mince the garlic.

Heat the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the shiitakes and cook them gently, stirring occasionally, until softened and reduced in volume. Add the garlic and mix it in just before the water boils.

When the water boils, pour it slowly over the Brussels sprouts, turning them so that they are all well wilted by the boiling water. Add them to the pan of mushrooms. They should not be particularly well drained, and if in fact there is not enough water clinging to them to allow them to steam in the pan for a few minutes, a little should be added. Mix the Brussels sprouts and mushrooms well, and let them cook together until the Brussels sprouts are tender, the liquid has evaporated, and the sprouts are perhaps being a little browned in spots. During the cooking time, mix in the soy sauce, vinegar, and season with pepper.

When the Brussels sprouts are done to your liking, turn them into a serving dish and serve.

Last year at this time I made Warm Roasted Squash & Broccoli Salad with Hazelnuts.


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