Saturday 30 April 2016

Blogging Marathon # 65 - 3 Day Marathon for 4 weeks!

We just completed our Mega BM on a Journey through the Cuisines, the recap is scheduled for tomorrow, you can check out once it's up.

This announcement is for June 2016!

Before going into the new themes, here are the links to some of the BM related pages.

The 2015 BM details can be found in the Blogging Marathon Page.
If you want to check out older BM details, check the BM Archives
If you are new and want to join us, check out the BM Guidelines and Rules

Since we have a month to prepare, please avoid doing last minute posting, prepare ahead and schedule, which should give you enough time to read the fellow participating blogger's post in leisure.

I also decided I will be little more strict in handling late posts. I know real life sometimes becomes very tough to manage. However if you know it is going to be so, please do not sign up. I will understand. But if you are signing up, then I expect you to be prompt in posting and reading fellow BM blogs.

For details on BM held every month, check out the Blogging Marathon page. Once I get all details I will be updating this page. Bloggers taking part in this marathon need to just link back to the BM page.

The entry is again by Sign ups and each theme will again have only 4 bloggers on first come first basis. 

And because of the new rules, I will not be able to accept late sign ups as it will become extremely hard for me to manage otherwise. If you feel you want to do it, please decide ahead, else you can join later.

Commenting on the participating bloggers post is mandatory.

The subscription to the group will be on monthly basis. 

If you want to know how the Blogging Marathon started, read the first edition

So the dates will be:  
3, 4, 5 June 
10, 11, 12 June 
17, 18, 19 June 
24, 25, 26 June 

If you want to sign up, please email me at latest by 08th May along with your theme.

FYI:  Requests to join after 08th May will not be accepted.

Mandatory rules for this Blogging Marathon are as below:
  • Should take up 2 weeks of BM without fail. It can be any two weeks.
  • Will have to post on all 3 days with 2 weeks without fail
  • You cannot take the same themes, except for the different Kid's Delight theme.
  • Should follow the accepted theme all 3 days, meaning if you choose one topic like Rice, you should post all rice based recipes all 3 days.
  • Should link to the Blogging Marathon page.
  • Is expected to actively give feedback on others post.
  • Mandatory reading and commenting on the fellow participating member.
Each theme can be selected by four bloggers on first come first bases. 

Other rules will be mailed to the individuals.

Themes for BM # 65th will be the following:

Kid's Delight theme ensures my Kid's Delight event, guest hosted by other bloggers gets good entries. Since the event is 16th - 15th every month, we have two different themes happening for BM in a month. And you have the choice of doing two different themes. 

Kid's Delight - Summer Coolers (3,4,5 and 10,11,12)
Kid's Delight - Soups and Salads (17,18,19 and 24,25,26)

Please note all entries for Kid's Delight theme have to be kid approved. The dish can be either approved by your own kid, your young relatives, neighbors or even something that you enjoyed as a kid. Do remember to mention the age group of the kid, so that it becomes easy for others.

Kid's Delight - Summer Coolers (3,4,5 and 10,11,12) 

The 1st and 2nd week of June will be hosted by PJ. She is calling for Summer coolers and will be announcing the event on her blog by 15th May.

Kid's Delight - Soups and Salads (17,18,19 and 24,25,26)  

The 3rd and 4th week of June will be hosted by Archana with theme Soups and Salads. She will be announcing the event on her blog by 15th June.

Holiday Dishes

With the holidays going on for kids, you will have to stock up your pantry with different snacks and dishes. So these Holiday Dishes can be anything that your kids will love to dig in.

Pull-Apart Breads

As the name says these bread can be sweet or savory, it can be any type of bread. The only condition is, as you serve or eat, you will have to pull a layer apart from the other and eat!

Rice Dishes

Cook Rice in different ways. 
One Pot Rice, Mixed Rice, Layered Rice.

Your three dishes have to fall under the above rice. No other form of rice can be used. 

One Sauce, Two Dishes

Your day one has to be a sauce, then cook two different dishes for the next two days.
Example, if you are going to make Tomato Sauce, your other two day posts can be Pizza, and Pasta using this tomato sauce.

Gourmet Gravies with Smooth Textures

These gravies should be rice, and should have a smooth texture gravies. So it means you can add any vegetable or lentil or protein, the base gravy should be a smoothly pureed sauce.

One Vegetable Different Ways

Pick one vegetable and cook in different ways. So you pick cauliflower, then make Cauliflower 65, Cauliflower Manchurian Gravy, Cauliflower Pizza base. What categories you choose to make is your wish.

Special Theme - Bookmarks

I decided we will continue to cook our bookmarks in June as well.

This special theme is open for those who do all the first three weeks.

Please spread the details if you want your friends to be part of this marathon.

Let's gear up for another nonstop blogging!


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