Wednesday 9 December 2015

Announcing the "Best of year 2015" Event!

I know I am very late with this announcement. Even though I remembered it on time, things have been so tough because of the rains and floods that we faced the last few weeks.
While I managed to post some on time last week, writing a new post seemed such a challenge. Infact some asked if I was really in Madras, seeing my prompt posting. While one might view it in different ways, on my part, I just had to do that, to keep myself away from thinking about whats happening in real life.

However after a point, I couldn't be on track and so this delay. 

This is one of my most favorite event. And I felt bad getting delayed in announcing it. On the blogging front, we have made so many progresses and learnt so many new things. 

Will save it all for my recap.

For the event, this is what I am looking for!

I normally take this time to think back and see how each month went by and what new dish I made that endeared to my family. However I am not sure I will be able to do it exactly that way.

Still keeping with the tradition, I would like to invite others who would want to take a moment off and look back and rejoice at what's been.

It can also be whatever else you want to share with me and your readers.

I am just giving few items for you to get started. It can be these or whatever you want to share:

1. Top 5 or 10 recipes of the year
2. Best dish of the month
3. Best recipe prepared from other blogs
4. Best Meal of the year
5 New things discovered in the year (can include anything related to cooking)
6. Best post or picture for each month or year
7. New blogs discovered
8. Cooking resolutions for the Year 2016!

Lets celebrate the new year with a recap of what we did during 2015!

Email me your post URL by 31st Dec 2015 11.55 pm. Will do a recap by the first week of the new year!


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