Monday 10 August 2015

Omelette au Fromage | How to make French Style Cheese Omelette

We are continuing the second day of cooking French Cuisine. While I had gran plans of making dishes like Pissaladiere, Bugnes, Gratin Dauphinois and Flammekueche. Only I didn't get around making any of these above mentioned dishes, though I must have spent many a day drooling over the delicious pictures these names conjured on.

Before going into the recipe, let me share something first. For many years now, I must have watched that "Being Positive" tape at office. While the gist of the tape ever stayed with me or not, one point that struck with me is where the author says we should not use But! He says we should ban the word from our vocabulary.

I have made ardent efforts to somehow remove this word from my usage. No I am not saying I am so good in never saying no to anybody. Just that I have replaced that word with something else or I manage to say no in a different way!

This also reminds me of what Dad keeps telling me on many occasions. Never give excuses! Of course the situations that made him give me this gyan was more dire. Still its something that struck for life and I make an effort never to give excuses for not having done something.

I simply expect the other person to accept that I didn't do!

So you see the critical situation I find myself in right now? I can't use but and can't give excuses as well. Whats left out is the simple brain wave that struck me at about 8.30 pm when I was thinking  about what to cook for Hubby dear for dinner. Parents had taken kids for Dad's birthday treat and it was just two of us left to feed ourselves.

It was just then that Padma pinged me on whatsapp, asking how many dishes did I cook through the day. Knowing that I seem to be cooking about 6 -7 on a weekend, she was shocked when she heard I hadn't cooked any. And on top, I had two more dishes to be cooked and clicked for the French cuisine.

She was very sure of my capability to cook up something and just to ensure my image to be infact, I decided I ought to do something. I am not sure what prompted me to type in Omelette and I was shocked to realize that Omelette is of French origin! Imagine that!

Anyway I was thinking if I could get hubby dear to have Omelette for his dinner. He came back from his walk and I gingerly asked him if he was game to try some Omelette au Fromage. He said what??. Then I explained that I had to cook something french and this Omelette au Fromage seem to be the quickest dish I could make right then. The only thing he asked was, will it be spicy?

So I said even if it wasn't I will ensure he gets his chilies. Of course I added more pepper and not chillies to ensure I keep true to the recipe and not indianised it.

I found this recipe and wanted to ensure I replicate it myself as much as possible. I was missing Konda and I know I will make this for her soon.
Omelette au Fromage

Ingredients Needed

Eggs - 2 nos
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Parmesan cheese, grated - 1 tsp
Butter - 2 tbsp
Gruyere cheese, grated / processed Cheese - 2 tbsp

How to make the Omelette au Fromage

Break the eggs into a bowl.

Season to taste with salt, pepper. Add Parmesan cheese.

Beat the eggs with a fork until mixed well.

Heat a large frying pan over medium heat.

Add the butter and allow it to melt and color slightly. It should almost be like turning to ghee. Add the beaten eggs.

Drizzle some oil on the sides and and leave the eggs to cook.

Add the cheese over the surface.

Fold the omelette into thirds and flip it onto a heated serving plate.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM


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