Sunday 19 July 2015

Skillet Chicken and Rigatoni with Pesto

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In the summer I like to cook meals that are quick and simple and that won't heat up the kitchen.  I don't think I am alone in that.  We do eat a lot of salads and such, but I also often like to make quick and easy skillet meals such as this Skillet Chicken and Rigatoni with Pesto.

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Once you have the pasta cooked, it goes together lickety split.  Especially if you use the pasta cooking time to pan fry your chicken pieces etc.

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Some chopped onion, some chopped tomato . . .  garlic and a handful of frozen petit pois . . .

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A bit of prepared pesto sauce.  I like the fresh one from the refrigerator aisle, but there are many good jarred ones available now as well.

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But in the summer months I like to make my own from the basil in our garden.  Did you know you can freeze it in ice cube trays so that you have it to use all winter?  It's true!  You can find my Simple Basil Pesto recipe here. 

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Once you have your chicken and veg cooked, you simply stir in some of the pesto and some cream, and presto chango . . .  Bob's your uncle!  A scattering of cheese on top and dinner's ready!  (I use a four cheese blend.)

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And you didn't even have to break into a sweat . . .

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*Skillet Chicken and Rigatoni with Pesto*
Serves 4
A delicious quick and easy weeknight supper!  (You could also use leftover cooked chicken and cooked pasta shapes in this.) 

1 pound of chicken breast meat, cut into cubes
1 TBS oil
1/2 pound of rigatoni, cooked, drained, rinsed and drained again
60g of fresh basil pesto (1/4 cup)
125ml of single cream (1/2 cup)
1 clove of garlic, peeled and minced
salt and black pepper to taste
1 medium onion, peeled and minced
1 medium tomato, chopped
a handful of frozen petit pois
a handful of grated cheese (I used a four cheese blend) 

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Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add the oil.  Once the oil is heated, tip in the onions.   Cook stirring, without colouring, until oftened.   Add the garlic and cook until very fragrant.   Add the chicken breasts.   Cook, stirring occasionally until the chicken is almost cooked through and starting to brown.   Add the pesto and cream, along with the cooked pasta, chopped tomato and frozen peas.   Cook, stirring until thoroughly heated through and the chicken is totally cooked through. Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Scatter some grated cheese over top.  Allow it to melt.   Serve immediately.


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